Monday, 16 July 2012

Post Weekend-ed

Hello my Beautiful Girls.

The weekend was WONDERFUL. My dad ended up chauferring me.... due to the car registry's inability to renew my license. Frig. But it was good. I hadn't spent much time with him lately. We went to see that house... and it's BEAUTIFUL. Hardwood floors, new kitchen cupboards, a fireplace, en suite frontloading washer and drier... a firepit and a HUGE pile of firewood. So we were like... PURCHASE. Felt good.

Found 5 girls for sure sooooo... the house is filled!!! So relieved.

 Then I went to that party.... :) Me and Le Boy chatted for about an hour when I first got there... then I went and talked to other people and then met back up with him at the end. It had started POURING outside so I was standing with him by his front door and he saw the car I had with me (My dad's brand new Grand Cherokee) and he was like OMG. Is that yours? And I was like... wanna see it?? So we ran in the rain out to the car and ended up hanging out for another like hour. And then he was like... "hey so I'm coming down south in August for a family reunion! We should definitely get together!!" Which I didn't think he was going to do because he was so busy with work :) Yay!! He said he wanted to come down even earlier.... and I told him I would get my sister in law (who's great friends with his brother's wife) to convince them. So..... Wonder what he'll do with all that extra time?!.... :))

Went on a long run today with Isabella. I've eaten kinda weird today.... 2.5 hardboiled egg whites, 1/2 a cup of my homemade veggie chili (no sugar), a berry chicken salad from wendy's (I picked out the cheese and only had about 1/3 of the dressing), 1/2 cup of homemade spaghetti sauce made with extra lean beef, and a romaine salad with some miso sesame slaw and a drizzle of diet dressing on top. So kind of a lot... but nothing super terrible.

Me and my other sister (from the states) are gunna watch Jane Eyre. My life is so spectacularly interesting. Wish I had some more juicy gossip for y'all. Stay strong!!

Thanks to: Jackie, Missinsanity, and Thin Thrills (missed you too babe <3 glad to be back)




1 comment:

  1. that house sounds AWESOME. seriously. fireplace? love it. pyromaniac approved.

    *gasp* le boy is making future plans! you're slaying 'em, haha :)

    sending good vibes and love right back at ya. <3 stay lovely, ace~
