Friday, 27 January 2012

Getting organized!!

Took one from your book, friend of Ana!!

I'm on my way home for the weekend.. And ive got to plan this out or I'll probably gain back the weight I have lost.

Today I have eaten oatmeal, egg whites, and then some turkey chili with eggplant wedges. My mom decided to make spinach lasagna for our welcome home dinner... And made a carrot cake. So the plan is to have a big salad and around a cup of lasagna. Maybe a small slice of carrot cake.

Saturday we are going for Chinese so I will stick to veggies and lean protein (tofu and shrimp). Breakfast will be either yogurt and fruit or maybe egg whites and a little cottage cheese. Dinner will probably be a salad or leftover lasagna.

I'm just going to try to keep my portions small and my water intake high. I think that will keep my weight ok over the weekend. I haven't had any treats all week so something small should be alright.... I hope.

I hope you all have lovely weekends!! Think thin girls.



Thanks to: stillimagining. Omg I know he's so creepy! My phone is being weird and won't let me comment on your blog!! Still reading and will comment when I get back to my compy :)


  1. Thats rly smart of u! Having a plan always helps:) Hope you have a lovely weekend dear & have a great time with your family<3 Stay strong!

  2. Sounds like a great food list! Good luck on sticking to it, I know that plans always help much more than winging it :P
