Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Tuesday bloody Tuesday.

Been hovering around 116-116.5 for the last few days... I really wanna push for under 116 this week. My dad came up to stay with me this past weekend which was lovely!... He took me out for lobster and of course I haven't been cooking hardly any meat so I went to town. It's seafood... Should be fine, right?? Wrong. Well, maybe. I don't know. I was pretty heavy last night so I knew I wasnt going to lose anything. But I'm glad I'm finally back down to my .5 pound comfort zone.

My mom called... And my grandma had a stroke... Post-op after her lumpectomy (yeah, she had breast cancer too.) she's insisting that it wasn't as bad as my grandpas stroke (which was completely incapacitating) but I can't help having the throw-your-hands-up-and-say-screw-it feeling. I'm so worried for my mom. She's having a really hard time lately.. And I know some of it is because of me. So I've turned over a cheery leaf. Theres no need for her to add my stress to her own. Ive been selfish and I needed to re evaluate. I think it will help to have someone to talk to that isn't falling apart in some way.

B. what a tool. He came and sat with me on Sunday (consequentially when I was sitting with a group of like 4 guys). He put his phone on the chair next to me and was like... Save my spot. So me being the attention starved twit I am was like okay!!! And so he sat with me, texting me and talking to me and flirting with me the whole time. Then... I was walking out and this other guy was like hey come to Sunday school with us! And B (who was rollin his eyes, sorta mocking the other guy) was like "yeah katelyn, come to Sunday school with us."......

My name is Kathryn. NOT katelyn. He knows this. He's not retarded. He's known me for over 2 months. So I just gave him this look of serious lack of impressed-ness. And he was like ahhh I mean Kathryn and it was like whatever.

I am lead to conclude that he really doesn't care either way. I'm just something pretty to play with when he's around.

Oh well, I didn't like him that much anyway.


Ps: thanks for the advice Used and Missinsanity. It would be great advice if i wasnt such a wimp lol :) You two are beautiful. I just dont know if I should put forth an effort anymore if it's just going to be like this? Maybe it's for the best I don't end up involved with him.... Xx

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