.....because all the cool bloggers were doing it.
Totally overwhelmed with homework right now. I really should be studying medical terminology... And anatomy. And physics. And also my abdomen lab. And that's only the beginning.
I'm feeling less out of control today. Less insane. I'm eating more than I would like.... But it will be ok. My measurements are still the same. Which is good, yet bad. Bittersweet.
My jeans are loose enough to be comfy again... But I could do with a little more room.
Side note: I hate people that are ignorant about food. This girl in my year was telling me how my favorite salad from earls is SOOO unhealthy or whatever.... And meanwhile she is seriously super chunky. It's like... Yeah. Since I will take any food advice from you. At my fattest I'm half your size. And I don't ever have heart disease belly fat. So... Good one. Yeah go ahead and think avocado is bad for you. Eat your plate of white noodles and Alfredo sauce and not add any chicken "because of the calories." when it is actually all the white carbs giving you that nice belly you are sporting. Retard.
Sigh. People... I swear. Like I'm not as thin as I want to be right now.... But come on. My bmi is still right on the cusp of underweight and I'm eatin whatever the hell I want lately. Apparently I'm on to something.
Rant: over. Feel free to leave your thoughts on the subject. I better study so I don't get even more behind. Much love.
avocado and chicken on salad are like the healthiest fats you can get. and noodles are the devils best friend. fat ppl get on my nerves! great job with bmi and measurements. its always nicer to see the same old numbers than newer bigger ones, right?