Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Little Ray of Sunshine

Down 1/2 a pound this morning. Happy Wednesday everyone!

10 days until I move... And my room, nay, my LIFE is a disaster. So much to do. My dad wants to take me shopping for dishes today... and he made me oatmeal this morning :) I'm seriously going to miss him. I'm such a daddy's girl.

My mom is taking time away from her work at church to help us move... which is so nice. She does so much volunteer work and service it's sometime hard to get a word in edgewise between phone calls.

I'm beginning to think that living with my sister might not be the picnic I had originally imagined. Thankfully I will have a hefty school schedule to compensate. And you guys, of course :) Which leads me to my next point...

....Thank you to all of my wonderful readers and followers. I am sure you all know how much brighter your day can be when you know others have your back. You're all such beautiful people... your words inspire me and keep me strong.

Have some thinspo.




Friend of Ana: I'm not sure how I got through that long with no water or caffeine. It seriously sucked!! But on the bright side it made me a lot more appreciative of water fasts :3 Love me some diet pepsi.
Haylen: Thank you again for your beautiful words! And I totally agree... when it comes down to it time is all we really have to give. It's the most precious and personal of gifts.


  1. I don't know if I ever introduced myself but I'm meg and I recently started following your blog :) I'm moving too, in like 19 days and it's so stressful. Hope everything works out with the move!

  2. congrats on the loss :-) sounds like you a have busy next week and a half! good luck with the move! and your lovely words are wonderful too :-)
